Rhonna of Rhonna Designs has this terrific journaling card posted on her blog. I am linking it here for you! You should be able to right click and save the image. Enjoy!
I found this awesome blog today at Laura Winslow Photography. Her topic every Wednesday is wall art. I like to see how other people are decorating their walls with photos of their family. Here is a beautiful, simple collage done for Christmas.
This example combines an eclectic arrangement of photos and frames. I fell in love with the daybed too. Looks like a project that could be made with a trip to Home Depot and the junkyard! I believe I just found the inspiration for Andrew and Noah's bed-frames!
Finally, I love this girl's room with the extra large portraits above her crib! This image via Laura Winslow, via Pottery Barn.
Don't hide your family portraits down the dark, seldom used back hallway in your home. The people you love the most should be front and center in all your wall art and wall decor!
I love to share and categorize beautiful things. I have a house full of boys and dogs. I love photography, great quotes, coffee mugs and candles, just to name a few of my loves. :) You can also find me at mpufsblog.blogpot.com.